Pension Fund Conferences

Global Directory of Conferences for Pension Fund Investors

Global Directory of Pension Fund Conferences

Our Directory of Pension Fund conferences enables those working within the pension fund, retirement and superannuation industries to identify the leading pensions conferences around the world. The global pension fund conferences directory is powered by Savvy Investor, the world’s leading reference hub for institutional investors.

To quickly access the full list of leading pension fund conferences, visit the full listing of global pension fund conferences; this will open up search filters which allow you to search by country, city, or by sub-topic.

To include your event in our Global Pension Funds database, click the “feature your conference” link at the bottom of this page.

The organisers of the top pension fund conferences vary from region to region. One of the leading event organisers in the UK is the PLSA (Pension and Lifetime Savings Association) – formerly known the National Association of Pension Funds. The PLSA runs two key events – an “Annual Conference” in October, and an “Investment Conference” in March. Both are well attended by the Pension Fund community.

In fact, national pension fund bodies play a large part in the organisation of pension fund conferences. For instance, in North America, ASPPA (American Society of Pensions Professionals and Actuaries) run some highly-regarded events. In Australia, the AIST (Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees) do the same.

Often, multiple professional bodies run competing events. For instance, in Canada, the ACPM (Association of Canadian Pensions Management), the ACPI (Association of Canadian Pensions Management) and CPBI (Canadian Pensions & Benefits Institute) all run conferences for pension funds.

Conferences in this category will attract U.S. and Canadian pension plans, UK and European pension funds, Australian superannuation funds and Asian pension funds. Typically, these events will be attended by pension plan controllers, pension sponsors, pensions managers & trustees, company finance directors, pensions administrators, investment marketers, asset managers, investment consultants and pensions consultants.

In addition to the Pension Fund Conference Directory, Savvy Investor also acts as a Research Hub for pension funds, investment consultants and institutional investment managers. The site includes a Research Library, with over 12,000 white papers. All content is free for members to access.

Savvy Investor has a dedicated section for pension fund white papers and articles. This category includes both DB (defined benefit) and DC (defined contribution) pensions research. Papers on DB pensions will include discussions of pensions risk, liability-driven investing (LDI), long-term investing, fiduciary management and strategic asset allocation policies. DC Pensions research includes a focus on plan design, default glide-paths and target-date funds. Also investment menus, pensions governance, and employee engagement. To find specific research content, enter your keyword into the search bar above, hit “search” and then click the button for “articles and white papers”.

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